DePiano Skin

The Face Behind The Faces

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Deborah DePiano: Making Magic With Her Passion

Written by Greta Blackburn June 26th, 2009

Most 15-year-old girls are obsessed with boys, music, boys, clothes and boys. In that order. Not so for the teenaged Deborah DePiano.

Now 52 years old (and easily passing for DECADES younger- but more on that later…) the teenaged Deb was obsessed with skin. She had witnessed the flawless epidermal wonders of all of her family members and relished her own blemish-free face and she knew that keeping the largest organ in her body in terrific shape- over time- might just depend on more than great genetics and luck. She delved into the available medical literature at that time to see what science had to say about saving skin.

“Skin care and people were always my passion,” Deb explains. “It’s what interested me at any early age before it was as mainstream as it is today. I knew then that I needed to immerse myself in everything available about skin and beauty if this was going to be my lifelong career.”

When skincare began to be a big mainstream business, in the early 90’s, Deb saw the opportunity to go back to schools that now offered special courses and programs to teach the science to non-medical professionals.

By the mid 90’s she had landed at Camden Aesthetic Associates where she worked with some of the top Plastic Surgeons in Beverly Hills, the mecca of excellence for so many fields. Camden was a revolving who’s who of Hollywood stars who demanded nothing but the best.

“That period was so exciting for me because I was now combining everything I knew about beauty along with the medical side of things and working side by side with leaders in the field of aesthetics,” she says.

Along the way, DePiano always sought out visionary mentors to inspire and inform her work.

“One of my strong influences was Christina Carlino, owner of Bio-Medic, which is now La Roche Posey. She is the one who was key in motivating me to go back to school for my skin care license and I thank her for that.”

Deb also prided herself on always having the latest and greatest cutting-edge products to offer her clients.

“As early as the mid-90’s I was selling an Oxygen- based line and that led to an introduction to Marcia Kilgore, who later developed Bliss Spas around the world. I was in LA and she was doing what I did in New York- but she sent her clients to me if they were going to be in the LA area,” DePiano offers. “At the same time I met Jillian Fink, who is an extrao rdinary makeup artist and currently a consultant for Avon.”

Fink was the first to send DePiano celebrity clients, who are now a central part of her practice. DePiano, however, bristles at the mention of pros like herself who offer preferential, “better” attention to those who are television or movie stars over their“regular” clients.

“From the start, I have always treated ALL of my clients as though they are celebrities, which they are to me. They are all stars in my eyes and deserving of VIP treatment.”

DePiano’s practice now extends worldwide via the internet and she has a huge following of people who have never met her personally but who swear by her and her products.

As long-time client Greta Blackburn, a former actress and current Editor of Ms. Fitness Magazine says, “Deb’s magic extends way beyond the skin benefits, which are huge and obvious to anyone who has ever been under her care. When you become a member of the DePiano Skin team you not only get younger, groovier skin, but you get a true friend who genuinely cares about you. In this day and age that is rare.”

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