DePiano Skin

The Face Behind The Faces

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

My Birthday Gift to You!

Don’t Suffer From Downward Facing Dermis!

OK. It’s mid-month, first of a New Year and many of you are still fast at work on resolutions.  You may hate me for this but I’m going to point out something that may not have even crossed your mind—and it should!

While you’re busy becoming a CrossFit Queen or a Hot Yoga Hottie your skin may be suffering from a bad case of neglect. Slack, crepe-y, neglected skin may prevent you from putting your best face forward no matter how much you work out.

Your face has muscles, too. Believe it or not, proper stimulation of those important 57 muscles of the face can help your skin receive circulation that inactive muscles simply cannot. Oxygen and nutrients are rushed to the surface and you get a quick fix of line softening and a rush of youthful glow.

Many experts have debunked the myth that by manually moving your facial muscles you stretch the skin and cause lines. When done properly, this type of Skinyasa (what I call it) is like yoga for your face and can turn Downward Facing Dermis into Upward Facing Fab over time.

My clients receive Skinyasa with every treatment and I consider it a core part of what I do. I know how to move the facial muscles in a way that stimulates and rejuvenates while it relaxes you!

February is my birthday month and as my gift to you, here’s one exercise that you can do at home to firm sagging chin and neck muscles and stimulate circulation. If possible, do this exercise at night and immediately apply (with upward strokes!) your favorite face or neck cream to the area.

Grab your favorite book and hold it horizontally under your chin, with one hand on each side. Sit up very straight (think yoga) and keep your shoulders back, not hunched. Push on the book with your chin and resist with both hands. Hold for a three count and release. Repeat 10-12 times. You’ll feel the muscles that you want to firm working.

Don’t do your Skinyasa for the first 24 hours after Botox or fillers or for much longer after facial surgery of any kind. And know that this type of facial exercise, like any other kind of workout, is best when used as part of a complete lifestyle program with proper diet and exercise.

Call to book your appointment today! (310) 289-7992
Tuesday thru Saturday

To learn more about Deborah DePiano, please visit her website
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