DePiano Skin

The Face Behind The Faces

Friday, July 10, 2009

Skin Sense for Summer

 SUN PROTECTION: The most important thing to remember this summer.

1. There are two types to consider - Sun block and Sunscreen. Sunscreen is a chemical block. Once applied, sunscreen takes 20 minutes to interact with your skin before it starts to work. Sun block is a physical block, which works right away.

2. If you are using Retin A, alpha hydroxyl acids (AHA), bleaching products or taking antibiotics be aware that these make your skin extremely sensitive to the sun.

Additionally, these products and prescriptions can make your skin very sensitive to the chemicals in the pool and Jacuzzi which could result in very BAD reactions on your face.

3. Not only is protecting your face important, the neck, chest and hands show sun damage as we age.

4. During the summer months use lighter moisturizers on the face to prevent breakouts.

5. How many of us are aware, that it’s just as important to wear sun protection while you're inside as well as outside. Apply sun protection every morning.

One of our top dermatologists in Beverly Hills, Dr. Harry Sapertien says "A lot of Ultra Violet light comes through our windows. A great deal of sun damage happens when you’re driving. Everyone thinks they are protected in their car and it's not TRUE."

6. Parents please take the necessary steps to protect your children. One option that I highly recommend is Mustela. This gentle sun protection can even be used for babies.

If you are looking for a matte finish, EmerginC sun protection is great for oily skin.

Acute-Derm sunscreen is perfect for dryer skin that needs a bit of moisture.

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